December 2019

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Isaiah 43:19

Sometimes in this in this period of time in between fall and winter, it is hard to see that there is renewal going on out there. Certainly when one looks at the barren landscape, the muddy ground, and the trees stripped of their leaves, it doesn’t look altogether promising. And yet, God promises that He will make all things new.

For after the winter snows, spring will come. The horizon will be filled with new life springing forth, the ground will be lush and green, and the trees will burst forth with new leaves and birds singing in their branches. Because although we do not see it in what seems like this season of “rest” for the world around us, there is a great deal going on beneath the surface that will allow for this renewal to take place.

As we approach this season of Advent, let us remember that there is much going on beneath the surface of our lives too. Just as God is working in soil and the trees and the dormant plants, so He is working in us as well—working in us to bring us hope—working in us to fill us with peace—working in us so that joy may bubble forth from within us—working in us so that we may fully know His love—so that we too may be made new.