February 2020

However, he continued his habit of retiring to deserted places and praying.
Luke 5: 16

As I sit here tonight working on the newsletter, a moth keeps returning to the kitchen window, frantically trying to reach the light of my kitchen. Clearly, he is a little premature in hatching from his cocoon as the warm temperatures of this morning have turned quite cold and my Weather Channel App advises me that the rain will shortly turn to snow.

Yet, I understand his plight; so often we rush headlong into transformations that we are not quite ready for thinking that a clear path has been laid before us, only to find out that there is a formidable obstacle between ourselves and our intended goal.
This is perhaps one of the reasons that I have a deep appreciation for the season of Lent because it invites us to slow down, to take small steps, to change and to grow spiritually, not all in one moment, but a little bit at a time. It invites us to really take stock of what is here and now and where and how we would like to continue our journey with God.

So, invite you as we finish up our “Journey with Jesus” this month to enter into this season of Lent, thoughtfully and deliberately. Lent is an invitation for us to take time with God, to devote more of ourselves to scripture and prayer, to develop new spiritual habits, and to listen carefully for God’s call on our hearts and lives.


Pastor Amy

January 2020

And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined the allotted period and boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for “In him we live and move and having our being”; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we are indeed his offspring.” Acts 17: 26-28

There is something about this time of year that makes us slow down and take stock of who we are. Perhaps it is the weather, for the snow, fog and wind certainly give us more “downtime” to think about our lives. Or maybe it is all of those “year in review” articles in the paper and compilations on tv that get to ruminating slowly over what has gone by and what is to come.
Yet no matter if it is the natural season or the cycles imposed by humans, God has a way of slowing us down and having us do a little spiritual status check every now and then. So, while we are making our resolutions, organizing our 2020 calendars, and balancing the end of the year books, let us take time to take stock of our hearts.

Are we seeking God and feeling our way toward Him so that we can find Him? For scripture clearly tells us that He is not far from us. As His children, we must strive to grow ever closer to Him. So, while we are signing up for that new gym, stocking up on healthy foods and taking control of our clutter, let us remember to make finding God a part of our New Year as well. Sign up for new small group; stock up on a new devotional; take control of the clutter in your heart. For in taking the time to do something new for God, we will grow ever closer to Him.

December 2019

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Isaiah 43:19

Sometimes in this in this period of time in between fall and winter, it is hard to see that there is renewal going on out there. Certainly when one looks at the barren landscape, the muddy ground, and the trees stripped of their leaves, it doesn’t look altogether promising. And yet, God promises that He will make all things new.

For after the winter snows, spring will come. The horizon will be filled with new life springing forth, the ground will be lush and green, and the trees will burst forth with new leaves and birds singing in their branches. Because although we do not see it in what seems like this season of “rest” for the world around us, there is a great deal going on beneath the surface that will allow for this renewal to take place.

As we approach this season of Advent, let us remember that there is much going on beneath the surface of our lives too. Just as God is working in soil and the trees and the dormant plants, so He is working in us as well—working in us to bring us hope—working in us to fill us with peace—working in us so that joy may bubble forth from within us—working in us so that we may fully know His love—so that we too may be made new.

October 2019

“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written ‘Be Holy, because I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1: 14-17

Holy in the sense that is used in this passage isn’t exactly a word that we use every day. Rather, oftentimes, when folks use the word holy these days, it is more of an expression of disgust or delight. Rarely, does it have to do with what God has called us to be: set apart.

And maybe we just don’t see ourselves as set apart anymore. After all, most of the time, we blend in with our surroundings, just like the rest of the world. But should we? Because if we are truly set apart, shouldn’t people notice? Shouldn’t we act different? Maybe even look different? Shouldn’t we sound different? Maybe even be different? Shouldn’t there be something about us that says that we are “holy”—not in a “holier than thou” sort of way, but in a way that people can tell that we are “different.” And in telling that we are different, shouldn’t they just see a little bit of Jesus in us?

For if we profess that Jesus is our Savior, then part of that profession is becoming His disciple. And in becoming his disciple, we strive to be more like Him each day. Surely, that is something that people should notice in our words, our deeds, our attitudes, our light and our fruit.
Be different. Be set apart. Be holy.

September 2019

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’”

Matthew 19:14

Matthew 19:14 reminds us that as the hands and feet of Jesus, we are also called to hold a special place in our hearts for his children: be they young, old, or in between. Just as Jesus opened his arms and welcome the little children with great hospitality, so we too as the church must open our arms and our hearts to those in the community around us.

This past Monday during our planning meeting, we were challenged to come up with an idea of what difference God is calling our church to make in the next 3-5 years. As a group, we talked about many things: we described a vision of what we wanted our church to look like; we thought of current steps we could take to help accomplish that vision; and we even decided what we think God is calling us to do.
We believe that God is calling us to be an increasing light to those in our community in many ways. Because of this, we are planning to continue to support and bolster KFC and Teen Talk, as well as the Wednesday night community events. In addition, we plan to hold another Fall Outreach even on October 19th, as well as a game night. We are also looking at ways to involve adults in creating a “buddy” system for our kids programming so that they can form lasting relationships with adults in our church and in our community.

I invite you to pray for this vision and to pray that God reveals to you how you can be a part of it. We are all called to follow Jesus and to be a light in this world and we are all called to be his hands and feet in our community.
Blessings, Pastor Amy