September 2019

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’”

Matthew 19:14

Matthew 19:14 reminds us that as the hands and feet of Jesus, we are also called to hold a special place in our hearts for his children: be they young, old, or in between. Just as Jesus opened his arms and welcome the little children with great hospitality, so we too as the church must open our arms and our hearts to those in the community around us.

This past Monday during our planning meeting, we were challenged to come up with an idea of what difference God is calling our church to make in the next 3-5 years. As a group, we talked about many things: we described a vision of what we wanted our church to look like; we thought of current steps we could take to help accomplish that vision; and we even decided what we think God is calling us to do.
We believe that God is calling us to be an increasing light to those in our community in many ways. Because of this, we are planning to continue to support and bolster KFC and Teen Talk, as well as the Wednesday night community events. In addition, we plan to hold another Fall Outreach even on October 19th, as well as a game night. We are also looking at ways to involve adults in creating a “buddy” system for our kids programming so that they can form lasting relationships with adults in our church and in our community.

I invite you to pray for this vision and to pray that God reveals to you how you can be a part of it. We are all called to follow Jesus and to be a light in this world and we are all called to be his hands and feet in our community.
Blessings, Pastor Amy